The Amazigh Cultural Association is in planning a pilot program for teaching Tamazight. Courses will be organized depending on needs for children and adults. However, as you know Imazighen in the US are scattered around the four corners of this vast country. This makes it hard to organize courses everywhere. So here is what we are planning:- In each region there have to be enough people who wish to learn the Tamazight language so that we can organize the courses.- We have to find enough teachers qualified enough to teach both adults and children.- If we want this to succeed everyone is expected to sacrifice something. Some people may have to commute only 15 min. to take the course, but others maybe 60 min. or more.- Everyone is expected to help in a way or another (school needs for kids, food and snacks, coordination, logistics, teaching material, teacher aides, etc.).- To efficiently organize this program we need to collect enough information from those who are interested.Those who are interested in this program are asked download (see below) and fill out the proper application forms (there are forms for children and adults). Please fill out the form completely and return to ACAA (see Contact Us for address). Thanks.Please go to ACAA's website www.tamazgha. org to download the applications if you are intersted.
--Hsen Larbi
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