What is the fixed and what is the changeable evolution characterizing the Moroccan struggles for the principle of respecting human rights?What are the historical duties of the current associations, organisations and individuals to fix the human rights culture?What are the possible reactive aspects of interventions between the Moroccan political atmosphere and the cosmic principle of human rights philosophy?How are the cultural, linguistic and identities’ rights represented on the agenda of Moroccan activists?The questions above refer to the main issues discussed by: Ms Amina BOUAYACH, the president of the Moroccan organisation for human rights and the vice-president of the international federation of Human rights.Mr Khalid ZIRARI, the vice-president of the International Amazigh Congress and Mr Abdelwahab TADMOURI, the coordinator of North Moroccan forum of human rights;The national debate held on 29th December 2007, organised by BUYA ASSOCIATION FOR CULTURE AND ARTS, to celebrate the 59th ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. In fact, the debate has had a great success owing to qualitative interventions of Amina BOUAYACH,
Khalid ZIRARI and Abdelwahab TADMOURI, as well as the exceptional efforts made by BUYA.
Translated by Sabri EL HAMMAOUI Written by Najim HIDOUCH and Mouhamed
MUSAWIPictures: Mouhamed MUSAWI
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