After more than one year and half of the carryforward of the lawsuit of the students arrested and tortured in the Moroccan prison Sidi Saïd in Meknas/ Ameknas, On October 17th, 2008, the usher court of Ameknas central Morocco, finally, pronounced heavily sentences of imprisonment on the amazigh /Berber militants. The lawsuit/punishment, which has surprised the court , and even the defence the accused young students , is of course against the amazigh militants. These sentences make the following of the events which have shaken the Moroccan universities and which took place during April and May of the year 2007. The arrests of the amazigh/Berber people in Bumal N Dades, Agadir, Imteghern, Errachidya ,Sidi Ifni or in Meknes confirm the Moroccan authorities's approach to the amazigh /Berber cause.The sentences pronounced are as follows: - Ousaya Moustapha : 12 years of the prison and a fine of 80.000 Dhs /9000 dollars .- Ouadouch Hamid :12 years of the prison with a fine of 80.000 Dhs /9000 dollars.-Ait Elbacha Youssef : 1 year of the prison and a fine of 1000 dhs / 150 dollars .-Hajja Younes : 1 year of the prison and a fine of 1000 dhs / 150 dollars .-Echami Mohamed: 1 year of the prison and a fine of 1000 dhs / 150 dollars .-Ait Elqayd Yidir: 1 year of the prison and a fine of 1000 dhs / 150 dollars .-Ettaghlaoui Omar: 1 year of the prison and a fine of 1000 dhs / 150 dollars .-Nouari Mohamed: 1 year of the prison and a fine of 1000 dhs / 150 dollars .-Zeddou Yidir : 1 year of the prison and a fine of 1000 dhs / 150 dollars . Good luck congressmen in Meknas and TiziouzouThere you go ,new hard challenge to face Omar Zanifi Asif N Dades Warzazat, South-east of Morocco zanifi@hotmail.com
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